Data Privacy for Business and Individuals

Archive for the Kids Category

Handle Your Data Like a Privacy Professional

Whenever I visit a specialist, like a car mechanic or a dentist, and they give me options, I always ask “what would YOU do in this situation?” I like to defer to the professional’s opinion. Why not apply this to privacy? I reached out to my network of privacy consultants, lawyers, and security specialists and asked 20 respected Privacy Professionals

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Balanced Technology Management, and Why We All Need It

Balanced Technology Management, and Why We All Need It

No one likes being told what to do, especially when you are being told you are doing something wrong. This is why the topic of balanced technology management is not a popular one. We all love our phones, computers, and TVs but we’ve become so reliant on these things for simplifying our lives and entertaining us that we are running

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Back To School Guide for Online Safety

Back To School Guide for Online Safety

Every fall my inbox gets filled with questions from parents about technology, internet, and their kids returning to school. I have combed through those messages, as well as frequently asked questions from presentations, to help answer what parents want to know most at this time of year. If you don’t see your question answered, give us a shout or leave a comment

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Understanding Online Games for Kids

Understanding Online Games for Kids

When I think of computer games as a kid, I have fond memories of playing Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? and I still remember spending holiday money on Super Mario Bros 3 for my Nintendo. When I got older, first person shooter games like Duke Nukem and simulations like The Sims hit the scene. Though variations of these games abound,

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Tools to Monitor and Manage Kids’ Online Lives

Tools to Monitor and Manage Kids' Online Lives

With the growing reach of the internet and our connected lives, monitoring and guiding this generation of kids has become increasingly difficult. No matter what your opinion is on parenting – from free-range to helicopter – some guidance is required to get kids on the right path while online. Though I would love to recommend a single tool to do

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Safe Email For Kids Under 13

Safe Email For Kids Under 13

The minimum age for most social networks is 13 years old. Why 13? Much like 16 is the minimum age for driving, 13 was selected as the age whereby children could consiously post data that would be permanent and potentially public. It is also the age at which they could view ads and make real decisions about the products. This age

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Binary Tat Cat says… Don’t do that!

Binary Tat Cat says... Don't do that!

Hold on a minute. Before you post that image, blog or tweet, consider the content. If it breaks even one of these rules, think really hard about putting it out there! DO NOT…. Send a picture to someone via email/snapchat/instagram that you wouldn’t want your boss, principal, or grandma to see! Sure you are sending them to your good friend

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Staying Safe with Connected Devices and the Internet of Things

Staying Safe with Connected Devices and the Internet of Things

If I had asked you to connect to the ‘internet’ a few years ago, you would have opened a browser window on your computer or handheld device. Today we can connect to the internet using any number of devices from wearables (e.g. FitBits) to thermostats to kitchen refrigerators. Collectively all these devices and connections are known as the Internet of

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6 Best Movies about Social Media

6 Best Movies about Social Media

Our daily lives are so intertwined with technology that you’d be hard pressed to find a current movie that doesn’t feature some kind of social media, digital device or online interaction. Much like anything in real life, the portrayal of these things on the big screen are not always realistic.  If you are trying to learn more about how social

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The Apps Teens Use: How to start a dialogue

The Apps Teens Use: How to start a dialogue

There is a lot of advice out there about how parents should handle their kids’ online lives. I have read articles advocating that parents should have every password for every one of their kid’s apps and check them often. I have seen people who advocate a completely hands-off approach. My philosophy lies in the middle: allow kids to develop independent lives but ensure we are

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