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Archive for the Your brand Category

Social Credit – How You Are Really Being Measured

Social Credit - How You Are Really Being Measured

When I pick services, restaurants, or even download apps, I always research their ratings first. I rely on a system where an audience of other users or buyers give their (hopefully) unbiased opinion about what I am about to purchase. What if we turned the tables and allowed companies to rate the users? This is Social Credit. A system where your

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Creating a Social Media Policy For Your Club or Team

Creating a Social Media Policy For Your Club or Team

In our digital world, any club, team, or group, should have a Social Media policy. I spend a lot of time teaching people about how to protect and craft their own online identities. Since we are each responsible for managing our personal online reputation, we each get to decide on the rules about what we want to post. So what happens when you

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Binary Tat Cat says… Don’t do that!

Binary Tat Cat says... Don't do that!

Hold on a minute. Before you post that image, blog or tweet, consider the content. If it breaks even one of these rules, think really hard about putting it out there! DO NOT…. Send a picture to someone via email/snapchat/instagram that you wouldn’t want your boss, principal, or grandma to see! Sure you are sending them to your good friend

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Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship

The great thing about the internet is that anyone can use it, even with limited resources. The troubling thing about the internet is that anyone can use it, even with limited rules on conduct and behaviour. Your identity online should be an extension of who you are in real life. Unfortunately, when you remove the face-to-face contact, some of the

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Why Someone Else Will Get Your Digital Photos

Why Someone Else Will Get Your Digital Photos

I’d like to talk about the safe places to store your digital pictures that you DON’T want seen. Spoiler Alert: there aren’t any. Once you have captured a digital photo on a device that is connected to the internet, there are no guarantees that it will stay where it belongs. When we hear about compromising photos, the reference is often to nudes.

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Looks are everything

Looks are everything

  For those that missed it, or those that like things in writing, here is the gist of my Ignite Waterloo talk.   Looks are everything. This is not likely what your mother taught you. In fact, it was probably more along the lines of “it’s what’s inside that counts”, and that’s true when you get to know someone BUT

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Things You Can Tell Just By Looking at Her

Things You Can Tell Just By Looking at Her

People often ask me what my opinion is on giving away too much information online. How do we decide what to keep private online and what to share? That decision is personal, and depends on your level of comfort. Some things to consider: Always check the privacy level of what you are sharing to make sure you have the expected audience (ie

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12 things you need to know about LinkedIn

12 things you need to know about LinkedIn

  In the Social Network world, LinkedIn is that serious older brother or sister that is always concerned about their career and never seems to have any fun. They don’t take goofy pictures or show you tonnes of videos of their kids BUT when you need advice or help with work, you can count on them to help. If you

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Fakebook, Instasham and Outwitter

Fakebook, Instasham and Outwitter

I love to keep up with my friends, the news and local happenings on my social networks. But sometimes, it feels like I am missing out: everyone else is on holidays, they are always out having a blast, and their kids are simply perfect. On a good day, it is easy to see those posts and be happy for everyone.

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6 Places You Should Build Your Brand Online

6 Places You Should Build Your Brand Online

Wanting to create a brand online and not sure where to start? Here’s our guide to the top 6 places you should create a presence for personal use, clubs/teams, or your business. 1. Website A website is a great central hub for all things you on the internet. It can be the one place people are sure to turn up

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