Data Privacy for Business and Individuals

Archive for the Settings Category

Your Social Network is Bigger Than You Think

Your Social Network is Bigger Than You Think

I was reviewing privacy settings when I realized that several of them include options that extend your posts to your friend’s friends (Facebook), or your connection’s connections (LinkedIn). I started to wonder how broadly that audience actually extended. So I did what I usually do; I did the math, for fun. I’m cool that way. Calculating the Size of a

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10 Tips to Safeguard Your Online Privacy

10 Tips to Safeguard Your Online Privacy

When you have something important, you make efforts to keep it safe. You wouldn’t leave your credit card out on a bench and walk away, or leave your house keys at the mall with your address attached. Sounds far fetched but it’s essentially what we are doing with personal information every day. Your online data, from what you enter to

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Your Guide to the GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation

Your Guide to the GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation

What is the GDPR? The General Data Protection Regulation is a framework of legal guidelines for collection and processing of personal info of individuals within the European Union. Or, in short, it’s a set of rules that companies need to follow to collect and protect a user’s data. As of May 25th, 2018, any company, group, or individual, that handles

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Back To School Guide for Online Safety

Back To School Guide for Online Safety

Every fall my inbox gets filled with questions from parents about technology, internet, and their kids returning to school. I have combed through those messages, as well as frequently asked questions from presentations, to help answer what parents want to know most at this time of year. If you don’t see your question answered, give us a shout or leave a comment

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Your Device is Listening: the Ultimate Fly on the Wall

Your Device is Listening: the Ultimate Fly on the Wall

My friend pulled me aside and, in a hushed voice, told me that he was worried his device was listening to him when he spoke to his wife at home. He said he had mentioned something in a live conversation, that he swears he had never typed, and then he started getting ads for it. The nervous question came “Is my

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Turn Off Device Tracking and Location on Your Phone

Turn Off Device Tracking and Location on Your Phone

Every handheld device knows where it is, pinpointed via cell towers, WiFi, and connected apps. This used to be called Global Positioning Service (GPS) and was primary used to identify your location on a map on your device. Today it is referred to as Geolocation, or Location Based Services (LBS). This location data is now sent from your device to other services so

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