Data Privacy for Business and Individuals

Archive for the Big Data Category

Disney: The new model for Big Data

Disney: The new model for Big Data

Earlier this year I had the privilege of visiting Disney World in Orlando with my family – or maybe the word ‘privilege’ depends on how much I like to stand in long lines. Either way, we booked our hotel and plane tickets two months in advance. For other trips, we’d probably be done until departure, but not Disney. Shortly after booking I

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Pew Research Internet Project

Pew Research Internet Project

If you have not heard of the Pew Research Institute, it is a non-partisan organization based in the states that does research, demographic studies and public opinion surveys. With the myriad of sources of research that are available, Pew is recognized as one that is both thorough and reliable. Their Internet Project has been ongoing since February 2000 with several

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The 4 Things You Must Do To Protect Your Data

The 4 Things You Must Do To Protect Your Data

It has been over a year since Edward Snowden outed the NSA for secretly spying on people using their digital data. This was a real eye-opener to the public, who once assumed much of their online information was safe. When we consider how much we do online these days (banking, bills, shopping, social networks), it is scary to think any

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The big deal with Big Data

The big deal with Big Data

What is Big Data? In the beginning, there was simple computing: Think of the most basic computer you have, your calculator. It is great at computing numbers, and displaying the answers. Then there was number comparison: Comparing a series of numbers requires a spreadsheet, which takes more data and uses graphs and charts for displaying the results. For complex and automated solutions,

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