Data Privacy for Business and Individuals

Archive for the Social Engineering Category

Privacy at Work: 5 Employee Policies To Prevent a Breach

Privacy at Work: 5 Employee Policies To Prevent a Breach

With rising rates of cybercrime, the most likely cause of a privacy breach is still error, or lack of awareness, on the part of the employees. Though there is certainly a place for technology and tools to guard your castle, here are five policies that will keep one of your employees from accidentally leaving a door open. Password Policy The

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Social Engineering – Trust but Verify

Social Engineering - Trust but Verify

What’s the easiest way steal something that is kept securely behind a lock? Get ahold of the key. Or even better, just have someone let you in. Sounds preposterous but this is the number one way tech criminals get access to personal identities and private company information; the users are tricked into handing it over. Social Engineering is the science

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