Data Privacy for Business and Individuals

Archive for the Privacy Category

Looks are everything

Looks are everything

  For those that missed it, or those that like things in writing, here is the gist of my Ignite Waterloo talk.   Looks are everything. This is not likely what your mother taught you. In fact, it was probably more along the lines of “it’s what’s inside that counts”, and that’s true when you get to know someone BUT

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Things You Can Tell Just By Looking at Her

Things You Can Tell Just By Looking at Her

People often ask me what my opinion is on giving away too much information online. How do we decide what to keep private online and what to share? That decision is personal, and depends on your level of comfort. Some things to consider: Always check the privacy level of what you are sharing to make sure you have the expected audience (ie

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Clean Up Your Privacy Settings and Social Accounts

Clean Up Your Privacy Settings and Social Accounts

*Updated 2019* At least once a year you should take time to review your accounts and their respective privacy settings. (Seriously, set a reminder!) Below is the list of all the important account links you need – If you don’t use them today, you may want to bookmark this page for later. Start with your 3 step plan for spring maintenance: Step 1:

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Who Will Own Your Digital Legacy?

Who Will Own Your Digital Legacy?

A scary thing happened last year. My dad was hospitalized. This happens to people every day. What it brought to light for me was that my mother did not know how to see and pay their bills. Everything was set up to go through my dad’s email account, which he could not tend to and we, the children, did not

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The hidden Facebook privacy settings you should know about!

The hidden Facebook privacy settings you should know about!

*Updated 2019 * If you have a Facebook account then likely you have visited a website and found it already knew something about you. Perhaps you saw a section showing pictures of other people who ‘like’ that page and some were your friends. Maybe it knew your location. How did the site know that? You never even signed in! You

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Digital Dating

Digital Dating

So the truth is now out. Binary Tattoo is not my first company. Back in 1999, my boyfriend (now husband) and I created Single Antidote, a dating website. It was a full-fledged business with a bank account, phone number and stationary, all launched from the lovely basement of our student dwellings. It was very dot-com of two engineering students to

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The big deal with Big Data

The big deal with Big Data

What is Big Data? In the beginning, there was simple computing: Think of the most basic computer you have, your calculator. It is great at computing numbers, and displaying the answers. Then there was number comparison: Comparing a series of numbers requires a spreadsheet, which takes more data and uses graphs and charts for displaying the results. For complex and automated solutions,

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Haven’t I seen your face before?

Haven't I seen your face before?

Almost every crime drama has the same scene in it – the FBI has some grainy photo of what ‘might’ be a suspect and then they enhance it a few times and voila, they have the criminal on tape! If only it were that simple. Though the technology has come a long way, using facial recognition in a public video is

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Privacy Settings – why you can’t set it and forget it

Privacy Settings - why you can't set it and forget it

Thanks to Edward Snowden and the NSA, Privacy has become the new buzzword of the year. Yet despite all the media coverage, here are some startling stats from social media (according to Pew): Of the 1 billion Facebook users 13 million users have never touched their privacy settings 26% of men and 14% of women have completely public profiles across

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Online shopping – all the convenience with less of the risk

Online shopping - all the convenience with less of the risk

I don’t like crowds, or malls, or parking lots. So I do most of my purchases online. Additionally, with so many relatives in other cities, I love online shopping for holidays; Free shipping, free wrapping, and I know my gifts get to their destination. The convenience is high, BUT like all things online, when you are entering your personal information

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