Data Privacy for Business and Individuals


Social Engineering – Trust but Verify

Social Engineering - Trust but Verify

What’s the easiest way steal something that is kept securely behind a lock? Get ahold of the key. Or even better, just have someone let you in. Sounds preposterous but this is the number one way tech criminals get access to personal identities and private company information; the users are tricked into handing it over. Social Engineering is the science

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10 Tips to Safeguard Your Online Privacy

10 Tips to Safeguard Your Online Privacy

When you have something important, you make efforts to keep it safe. You wouldn’t leave your credit card out on a bench and walk away, or leave your house keys at the mall with your address attached. Sounds far fetched but it’s essentially what we are doing with personal information every day. Your online data, from what you enter to

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Social Credit – How You Are Really Being Measured

Social Credit - How You Are Really Being Measured

When I pick services, restaurants, or even download apps, I always research their ratings first. I rely on a system where an audience of other users or buyers give their (hopefully) unbiased opinion about what I am about to purchase. What if we turned the tables and allowed companies to rate the users? This is Social Credit. A system where your

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Your Guide to the GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation

Your Guide to the GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation

What is the GDPR? The General Data Protection Regulation is a framework of legal guidelines for collection and processing of personal info of individuals within the European Union. Or, in short, it’s a set of rules that companies need to follow to collect and protect a user’s data. As of May 25th, 2018, any company, group, or individual, that handles

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Balanced Technology Management, and Why We All Need It

Balanced Technology Management, and Why We All Need It

No one likes being told what to do, especially when you are being told you are doing something wrong. This is why the topic of balanced technology management is not a popular one. We all love our phones, computers, and TVs but we’ve become so reliant on these things for simplifying our lives and entertaining us that we are running

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Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and Blockchain Explained

Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and Blockchain Explained

Many people have heard about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency but, like many new technologies, most wave it off as being too complicated to understand. Not so. Given how much I enjoy demystifying  tech for others, I’ve broken it down in a way that even a grade 5 student can understand it. And for reference, I did run this by an actual

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Cybersecurity: Easy steps to protect you, your workplace, and your home

Cybersecurity: Easy steps to protect you, your workplace, and your home

When I started my career as a software developer, the word cybersecurity was thrown around as a technical term describing how computer data was encrypted and protected within an electrical system. Fast forward a few decades and now cybersecurity affects everyone who touches a digital device. The problem is many people still feel like it’s a technical issue that they

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12 Useful (and Fun) Websites You Should Know About

12 Useful (and Fun) Websites You Should Know About

If you are looking to get directions, count calories, or learn a new language, there’s an app for that. Actually it seems there are apps for everything. Downloadable to your device and accessible every day. But what if you only need something once in a while? There’s a website for that. Here are 12+ of our favourites that you’ll probably

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Back To School Guide for Online Safety

Back To School Guide for Online Safety

Every fall my inbox gets filled with questions from parents about technology, internet, and their kids returning to school. I have combed through those messages, as well as frequently asked questions from presentations, to help answer what parents want to know most at this time of year. If you don’t see your question answered, give us a shout or leave a comment

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Glossary of Internet Fraud and Scam Terminology

Glossary of Internet Fraud and Scam Terminology

As the internet expands, so do the ways criminals find to abuse it. The best way to protect yourself and your business is to be diligent about how, where, and when you share information. Cybersecurity has become a huge issue. No matter how good your technological defences are, it is usually a person, not a machine, that gives up access

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