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Archive for the Facebook Category

Facebook is like a what?

Facebook is like a what?

For anyone else finding it hard to keep track of which social networks are out there and what they all do, I have come up with a set of analogies to help out. Rather than just tell you what the network is, let’s talk about what it is like…. is like … being in a dark interrogation room. You put

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The Online Acronyms and Slang List

The Online Acronyms and Slang List

*Updated for 2018 Every generation has their slang. The advent of the text message gave us all sorts of acronyms that were easy to type – CUL8R (see you later) or TTYS (talk to you soon). But the 140 character texting and (original) Twitter limit is a whole new ballgame. And now everyone types in acronyms. Here are definitions for

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Let’s be Friends!

Let's be Friends!

Do you remember when you were little and someone would say to you “Let’s be friends”? That usually  meant you had someone with whom to play, eat ice cream and have sleepovers. You could giggle with them, cry with them and tell them your darkest secrets. Some people had lots of friends and some had few. No one really kept

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