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Archive for the Your brand Category

11 things you need to know about Twitter

11 things you need to know about Twitter

Whether you tweet more often than you eat or if you have never even been on the site, you probably know that Twitter has become an incredibly popular way for people to express themselves. Here are the 11 things you need to know about Twitter: 1. It is the SMS of the internet. Twitter was originally created to emulate the

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10 rules to post by

10 rules to post by

Picture yourself headed to an interview, a date, or the first day of school; all times to make a great impression. You will have carefully chosen your clothes, behaviour and words. Is this the ‘real’ you? Sort of. It is a version of you that you want to show the world. I don’t ever wear suits out but I’ll be

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The Online Acronyms and Slang List

The Online Acronyms and Slang List

*Updated for 2018 Every generation has their slang. The advent of the text message gave us all sorts of acronyms that were easy to type – CUL8R (see you later) or TTYS (talk to you soon). But the 140 character texting and (original) Twitter limit is a whole new ballgame. And now everyone types in acronyms. Here are definitions for

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