Data Privacy for Business and Individuals


The big deal with Big Data

The big deal with Big Data

What is Big Data? In the beginning, there was simple computing: Think of the most basic computer you have, your calculator. It is great at computing numbers, and displaying the answers. Then there was number comparison: Comparing a series of numbers requires a spreadsheet, which takes more data and uses graphs and charts for displaying the results. For complex and automated solutions,

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Haven’t I seen your face before?

Haven't I seen your face before?

Almost every crime drama has the same scene in it – the FBI has some grainy photo of what ‘might’ be a suspect and then they enhance it a few times and voila, they have the criminal on tape! If only it were that simple. Though the technology has come a long way, using facial recognition in a public video is

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10 rules to post by

10 rules to post by

Picture yourself headed to an interview, a date, or the first day of school; all times to make a great impression. You will have carefully chosen your clothes, behaviour and words. Is this the ‘real’ you? Sort of. It is a version of you that you want to show the world. I don’t ever wear suits out but I’ll be

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7 New Networks to Watch

7 New Networks to Watch

Just when you might think you are on top of all the current networks, a new group crops up for attention. This generation is taking lots of hints from their older siblings. Though there are some novel ideas, most of what we see emerging are either networks based on single feature (e.g. selfies, local groups) or networks marketed around an

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Social Networks 2013 – Year in Review

Social Networks 2013 - Year in Review

Another year come to a close and 2013 was certainly the rise of the Social Networks! Viral video stars now rival Hollywood popularity (for their 15 minutes anyway) and marketing companies are finding that social sharing is the best way to get your message out. With so many people sharing their lives, thoughts, and art via social networks, the internet

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Time for a Digital Detox?

Time for a Digital Detox?

Weekends and holidays are a great break … a break from work, a break from school, maybe a break from lessons. What about taking a break from digital connections? People are rarely away from their phones, tablets, laptops or TVs. In the US, the number of electronic devices outnumbers the population of the country. Though these all serve to entertain, assist

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That’s not contagious, it is viral!

That's not contagious, it is viral!

What is Virality? Google best describes it as “the tendency of an image, video, or piece of information to be circulated rapidly and widely from one Internet user to another; the quality or fact of being viral.”  So it is the calculation of how many times the information is shared. This is not to be confused with how many times

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8 things you need to know about Google+

8 things you need to know about Google+

I can tell it is December because all the media sites are producing their predictions for trends in 2014. What pops up on almost every Tech prediction list? The growth and increased use of Google+ (or written as Google Plus). Are you on it yet? Should you be? Either way, it is worth paying attention to. Here are 8 things

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Privacy Settings – why you can’t set it and forget it

Privacy Settings - why you can't set it and forget it

Thanks to Edward Snowden and the NSA, Privacy has become the new buzzword of the year. Yet despite all the media coverage, here are some startling stats from social media (according to Pew): Of the 1 billion Facebook users 13 million users have never touched their privacy settings 26% of men and 14% of women have completely public profiles across

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Online shopping – all the convenience with less of the risk

Online shopping - all the convenience with less of the risk

I don’t like crowds, or malls, or parking lots. So I do most of my purchases online. Additionally, with so many relatives in other cities, I love online shopping for holidays; Free shipping, free wrapping, and I know my gifts get to their destination. The convenience is high, BUT like all things online, when you are entering your personal information

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